Statistics generated on 2025/02/03 09:00:01 Coordinated Universal Time
County Statistics Page
Diocese Locking Statistics Page
Total number of churches: 15598 (0)
Total number of status comments: 22894 (+20)
Total number of photos: 39117 (+19)
Churches with status comments: 13022 (83%)
Churches with photos: 5840 (37%)
Number of status comments added in the last week: 20 (+13)
Number of photos added in the last week: 19 (+19)
This page is updated weekly on Monday at 0900 GMT. The statistics are generated from the Keyholder App database with data contributed by users of the app. Keyholder is available both for Android and Apple iOS.
Android Play Store:
Apple App Store:
The Total number of churches is the number of churches in England that are currently recorded in the app. The Total number of status comments is the number of comments made by contributors to the Keyholder app. The Total number of photos is the number of photos submitted by contributors to the Keyholder app. Churches with comments is the number of churches that have one or more annotations (whether the church is open, etc., and possibly a comment). Churches with photos is the number of churches that have one or more photos. The last two weekly numbers are self-explanatory.
Number of comments since January 1997 is a graph showing the cumulative number of status comments made from January 1997 up until the update time at the top of the page. This includes status information from the Parish Church Photographic Survey which was the sole contributor up until January 2013 when the Keyholder app was made public. After January 2013, information is a combination of data from the Survey fieldwork and users of the app.
The app only gained the ability to upload photos in August 2015. The graph Number of photos since August 2015 shows the cumulative number of photos provided by users of the app.
The Church locking percentages chart shows the proportions of church statuses in England derived from status comments made by users of the app. Open churches are those that app users found were open during the day; locked are those that were found locked with no specific keyholder contact information at the church; locked with keyholder are those churches where a specific notice is provided so that a visitor can gain access to the church; special opening times are those churches that are normally locked but have limited opening times (generally where they are open fewer than four days a week); ruin are those churches that are in a ruinated state (i.e.: missing the roof); other use are churches that have been converted into houses or business premises.